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concentrated strength中文是什么意思

用"concentrated strength"造句"concentrated strength"怎么读"concentrated strength" in a sentence


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  • First is the comparison of developing conditions of high - new technology both internal and external , and the developing process and its characteristics as well . now that high - new technology industrialization is in great demand , we should promote the whole structure of industry by the use of high - new technology . second is through analyzing strategic opt of the two problems , provide that the high - new technology and industrial development in liaoning should be based on the marketing guidance , selecting the superior and supporting the power developing fast , concentrating strength , stressing the emphasis , doing what we should do and canceling what we should n ' t . putting forward concrete measures from four aspects : enter prise development , fund , talent , corresponding policy
  • The rationale of thoughts of legalists includes following contents : the theory of human nature that “ pursuing benefit and evading harm ” , the society model that “ tripartite opposition of the monarch , the official and the people ” , the two - dimensional structure of law that “ punishment and reward ” , the idea of development that “ different times and different strategies ” , the administrative strategy that “ concentrating strength and one goal ” and the national policy that “ rule by law ”
    法家的刑事政策思想是以“好利恶害”的人性论,君、官、民三极对立的社会模型,赏、刑二分的二维法构造,时移事异的历史发展观, “抟力守壹”的施政策略, “以法治国”的治国纲领为基础的。
用"concentrated strength"造句  
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